Rehabilitate Trafficked Slow Loris, For every 220 THB donated, you can provide essential care for a Slow Loris for a month- including food, medicine, supplements, and supporting the care-taking fee.
912 givers
Love Wildlife has withdrawn all the fund from our generous donors to support the slow loris project in May 2023.
Any donation made after May 10, 2023 will be allocated to a new wildlife conservation project from Love Wildlife which will be announced on Socialgiver's platform shortly.
Even listed as endangered animals, slow loris are subjected to abuse and trafficking in Thailand. Love Wildlife provides a rehabilitation center for rescued slow loris to recover before they are fit enough to return to the wild. Every 220 THB donated, you are providing care for 1 trafficking-rescued Slow Loris for 1 month and supporting slow loris ban.
Although they are listed as endangered animals and are illegal to be kept domestically, slow loris are highly trafficked for tourism and medicinal purposes in Thailand. Mutilated to look harmless, slow loris are subjected to abuse, which often lead to loss of appetite, splintered teeth, or death.
Love Wildlife Mission
Love Wildlife provides a rehabilitation center for rescued slow loris before they return back to the forest and has advocated against slow loris trafficking. The rehabilitation center provides abundant nutrition, healthcare, habitat, along with caretakers to assist trafficking-rescued slow loris in their recovery. Love Wildlife also employs vets to conduct routine check-ups to ensure that they are well to attaining their wildlife skills which had been stripped off from illegal trading. Every 220 THB donated, you are providing care for 1 trafficking-rescued Slow Loris for 1 month
Your Impact
Every Baht of your donation via purchasing GiveCards or direct transaction goes to fund for food and housing for slow loris that are rescued from animal trafficking. Your contribution will provide us enough purchasing power to rescue slow loris from illegal trafficking. Every 220 THB donated, you are providing care for 1 trafficking-rescued Slow Loris for 1 month and supporting bans on slow loris.
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**Organization is reviewed and rated by our auditing partner, Giving Back Association
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