Fight Malnutrition for Rural School Children in Thailand, Every 2,000 THB donated provides nutritious meals and workshops for 1 student for 1 academic year
2,337 givers
Given only 21 THB for lunch budget for 1 young student (kindergarten-elementary), malnutrition becomes prevalent among students especially in small-scale and remote schools due to poor, insufficient diet. Food For Good aims to abate students’ malnutrition from lacking sufficient lunch funds and brings balanced, nutritious lunch to the table instead. Every 2,000 THB donated provides nutritious meals and workshops for 1 student for 1 academic year.
Given only 21 THB per student for lunch budget, kindergarten and elementary school students face malnutrition as a result of poor diet. Particularly small-scale schools and schools in higher grounds cannot provide healthy, balanced lunch for students since they spend most of the budget on transportation and food storage.
Food for Good Mission
Food For Good aims to abate students’ malnutrition in schools from lacking sufficient lunch funds and hopes to bring balanced, nutritious lunch to the table instead.
Introducing self-sufficient ways to gather ingredients that provide nutritious meals for students following the four goods (good food, good knowledge, good farm, good health), the organization also conducts nutrition workshops for school teachers to ensure understanding on the importance of how diet and nutrition affect student health. Food for Good has worked with 39 schools and is in collaboration with 49 more schools towards zero student malnutrition in Thailand.
Every 2,000 THB donated provides nutritious meals and workshops for 1 student for 1 academic year.
Your Impact
Every Baht of your donation via purchasing GiveCards or direct transaction goes to fund nutritious meals and organize nutrition workshops for school teachers. Your contribution will help provide nutritious ingredients for school children for their school lunch while supporting nutrition workshops that train teachers to gather foods in a self-sufficient way. Every 2,000 THB donated provides nutritious meals and workshops for 1 student for 1 academic year.
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